History Lesson

For my upcoming class at RTS called Judges to Poets, my first assignment is to write a critical review of a book entitled "A Biblical History of Israel." So far it has been fascinating because the authors begin talking about how people view the "history" that we find in the Bible, especially the beginnings of the Old Testament. So many people have written off the Bible as true history for a variety of reasons. The author then talks about the history of history and how since the Enlightenment, people have been more scientific about their approach to history. Prior to that, people were more concerned with philosophy than science. According to the author, historical stories were previously used as examples to teach lessons. Now we use history to prove facts.
As things have happened over the last day, I look back at the history of the Bible and the lessons that it can teach me. I'm especially reminded this morning of the Israelites journey from Egypt to the Promised Land. No matter what obstacles they faced, whether it was the Red Sea, no food, no water, or opposing people, God remained faithful and he took care of them. Since God is the same now as he is then, it doesn't matter if the baseboard in our bathroom is termite-infested or the new puppy is throwing up all over the place and has to go to the vet. God will remain faithful, and he will take care of us.

Posted byMike Fennema posted 8:15 AM  


Unknown said... Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:41:00 AM  

Wait, it doesn't matter that your dog is throwing up? Poor guy. I think it matters.

Sorry, I forgot that it's impossible to get the nuance of sarcasm in blog comments.

In all seriousness, I think it's great that your studies are reminding you of the faithfulness of God, and that truth is encouraging your daily life. RTS has missed you.

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