When a fish is not enough...
Monday, October 17, 2005
...then my real buddy Mark comes to the rescue. I am completely unashamed to tell the world that I love you. You listen, you understand. You know me even though we are so different. Thank you.
Relationships are a funny thing. I can't imagine where we would be without relationships, but of all the relationships that you have in your lifetime, how many of them actually last a lifetime. We are always making new friends and moving on from old ones. Very few people in one's life are there for a lifetime.
Hopefully your famiy is there through it all. Also your spouse. But what friends are there for more than a season of your life?
Mark, you are one of those friends that will be. Tim, you have already proved that you are another. Thank you.
Posted byMike Fennema posted 9:19 PM