My 15 seconds of fame

Well it is official. I unsuspectingly had my 15 minutes of fame as I was walking out of the Mount Dora Library yesterday. A couple of DVDs that I had requested were on hold for me. I was busting my tail to get in and out of the Library so that I could get home and surprise my pregnant wife. She wasn't expecting to see me until she was already asleep in bed for the night, but my class got out early and I decided to make the hour-long drive home, surprise her, spend the next half hour with her, and then drive an hour back to Oviedo. The things you do for love.

Anyways, so I pull up to the Library, and I notice signs announcing that it is an early polling place. Florida's primary is coming up on the 29th of January, and people can vote early if they want to avoid the chaos of an election day. As I near the entrance, I see a camera crew. Hmm. Interesting. Some goofy looking guy with long grey hair is joking around with them and you can tell he wants to get on TV. I park my car, and I see a large satellite truck parked in the grass behind the building. What I noticed about it was that it wasn't some local station's truck. It had no obvious markings on it. It was simply very non-descript, so I was wondering who these people were and where they were from. As I am walking up to the entrance, a retired couple passes me excitedly talking about how they just go interviewed, and in my head I'm thinking about what I should do to avoid the camera crew and just do my business. So I pull my hat down, put an "I'm in a hurry, and I mean business" look on my face, and plow ahead into the library.

Once I am safe inside, I get what I came for and quickly head back out. The crew is still there, and they are blocking my way to the parking lot. My only hope of avoiding them is to have someone already talking to them as I pass. No such luck. As I am trying to brush past them quickly, the reporter asks me if he could talk to me. Everything in me wants to say "Sorry. I'm in a hurry." But what comes out of my mouth is "I didn't vote…" I assumed they were doing a story on people who were voting early. Wrong. "Oh, that's ok. We'd like to talk to you anyway." For some reason I uttered "Ok" instead of "Sorry, I have to get home to my beautiful wife." I don't know what I was thinking.

So he begins by asking me questions about what issues are important for me as I am choosing a political candidate. Seeing as I view myself as slightly well informed on things (I have been known to listen to a little talk radio from time to time, and I try to keep up on the news), I was able to list things like national defense, the war in Iraq, the economy because I am a conservative and um…uh…I think…uh…something …you know, the typical answers. Then he starts probing a little and asking about the economy. I talk a little about people warning that a recession is coming and I mention the speech that Bush gave yesterday about giving the economy a shot in the arm. I'm feeling impressed with myself because I feel like I kind of know what is going on. I say something to the effect that I think it is important to put money back in the hands of taxpayers to give our economy a boost. I thought it was pretty slick, and I was impressed with myself.

Well, after seeing the clip, I wasn't feeling so impressed with myself. It turns out that God has a sense of humor. He knows that I struggle with arrogance and pride, so instead of allowing me 15 minutes of fame, he cut mine back to 15 seconds. And instead of sounding extremely intelligent, he made me sound …um…uh…um…well, you get the picture.

Posted byMike Fennema posted 7:31 AM  


Anonymous said... Sunday, January 20, 2008 7:26:00 AM  

Meh, not bad. You didn't sound any dumber than normal;) JK. They clearly weren't interested in your opinion just creating a recession by telling everyone that there is one coming. It so bad you might not have your garbage picked up but once a week:(

Daniel's Helpmeet said... Tuesday, January 22, 2008 3:04:00 PM  

It wasn't so bad Mike. The children are wondering why you have such an old Sox hat on??? Do we need to help you find a new one?

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