Giving it a whirl

I am not a frequent blogger, but due to receiving great encouragement via reading other's blogs, I thought I would give it a whirl.  So if you did not know already, I am pregnant.   This pregnancy has been anything but easy.  As many of you know, Mike and I had a miscarriage about 6 months ago.  The day I found out we were expecting I experienced overwhelming joy followed by overwhelming anxiety.   Many times during the first trimester I had to give the pregnancy over to God minute by minute, and some days I have to admit I had very little peace despite my resolve to trust Him with our family.  My anxiety was compounded by the fact that it seemed every 2 weeks something happened to shake my faith a little more.  First, it was the lack of morning sickness. With the last pregnancy I was ill from the beginning. With this pregnancy, the "all day illness" did not start until eight weeks.  Just when I started "feeling pregnant," I started spotting. After an emergency ultrasound, they confirmed everything was alright even though my nerves were shaken every day as I continued to spot for 2 weeks.  That spell was followed by dropping hormone levels and then another episode of spotting.  I am now approaching 14 weeks, and the doctors have assured me that everything is going perfectly. (In my head I am thinking - if this has been perfect I would hate to see complicated.)  I am thankful that through it all the Lord has continued to assure me. Often times I would just find myself saying over and over. "The Lord gives and He takes away so blessed be the name of the Lord."

I am finally starting to relax in being pregnant.   Of course, there are plenty of stresses considering Mike is graduating in May, and we have no idea where God is calling us.  I am doing my best to give that to Him as well.

In addition to being a little crazy, this pregnancy thing has given me quite and education.  I am very fortunate to have several close friends and family members in a similar stage as me. Either they have just had kids or are pregnant but farther along than me.  When I start to get overwhelmed with things like Boppi's, maternity clothes, "hooter hiders," "travel systems" (and no this in not a car - it is a stroller), and nursing bras, I have plenty of people to talk to.

All things above said, I am thrilled about this next phase of life and I am doing my best to enjoy all the changes as they come.

Posted bySteph posted 3:02 PM  


Daniel's Helpmeet said... Tuesday, January 29, 2008 6:18:00 PM  

We are praying that everything continues to go well. Don't worry about all the contraptions. They aren't really needed. All this little one need is Mommy (and Daddy) holding and loving him/her all day long. Ok you do need a travel system (we like the Graco) and we do own a swing. Everything else we gave away.....

Wish you could be here with Kathi and Patti for AFTER (hopefully) our birth.

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